Colombia, a diverse country full of history, is enriched by a wealth of legends that reflect the cultural and geographic richness of the nation. These stories, passed down from generation to generation, connect Colombians to their past, their beliefs and their natural environment. La Llorona is a legendary character that appears in different forms in many Latin American cultures.

In Colombia, the best known version is the Llorona de Usaquén, a neighborhood in Bogotá. It is said that a woman dressed in white, with her face covered, cries for her lost children in the night. The legend warns children not to wander away from home after dark, as they could fall victim to this mysterious figure.

The Mohán is a mythical figure that inhabits the rivers and jungles of Colombia. He is often depicted as a tall, handsome man with long black hair and a beard. The Mohán is believed to be a guardian of nature and a protector of animals. The legend warns fishermen and hunters to show respect for wildlife and bodies of water, or else the Mohán could cause them trouble.

The legend of La Gaitana is related to the Salto de Tequendama, an impressive waterfall near Bogotá. According to the story, La Gaitana was an indigenous princess who threw herself into the abyss after the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors to avoid being captured by them. It is said that her spirit still roams the area, protecting nature and lamenting the loss of her people.

This legend comes from the Eastern Plains region of Colombia and tells the story of a man who, after a pact with the devil, turns into a giant caiman during the night. During the day, he becomes human again and must live with the weight of his actions. The legend is a metaphor for the temptation and consequences of making deals with dark forces.