Slavic mythology encompasses the traditional beliefs of Slavic peoples prior to Christianization. Below are several key aspects of Slavic mythology:

  • Perun: He was the god of thunder, sky and war, similar to Thor in Norse mythology. Perun was considered the chief of the Slavic gods.
  • Veles: He represented the god of commerce, the underworld and cattle. Veles and Perun were adversaries according to the myths.
  • Domovoi: A domestic spirit who protected the home and its inhabitants. It was believed that she helped in the domestic tasks and took care of the animals.
  • Morana: Goddess of winter and death, associated with the cycles of nature and renewal.

Slavic cosmology included a belief in a three-dimensional world, with the sky or Svarga at the top, the earthly world in the middle, and the underworld or Nav at the bottom. The Slavs celebrated various festivals according to the seasons, such as Kupala Night, which celebrated the summer solstice, and Maslenitsa, which bid farewell to winter. The Slavs believed in a variety of mythical creatures and spirits, including domovoi, rusalki (water nymphs), and baba yaga (witches).

With the Christianization of Slavic peoples, many elements of Slavic mythology were syncretized into Christian practices and beliefs. For example, Perun was replaced by the Holy Elijah, and many pagan festivals were transformed into Christian celebrations. Slavic mythology has left a lasting legacy in popular culture, inspiring literature, music, and works of art. There is also a resurgence of interest in Slavic pagan traditions today.